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Meet One of Michigan's Most Courageous Lawmakers


Gretchen Whitmer’s goal is to transform Michigan into the "California of the Midwest.”  Her policy plan includes giving driver's licenses to illegal aliens, raising utility bills through energy mandates, and forcing taxpayers to fund Planned Parenthood, even if it goes against their beliefs. The "green" programs alone will cost DTE and Consumers Energy more than $100 billion in infrastructure investments.

Even though his party doesn’t have the majority, Rep. Schriver works tirelessly to stop unjust laws. He helped spread the word to Michigan residents about House Bill 4410, which would have given driver's licenses to illegal immigrants. It did not receive a committee hearing. Your Representative in Lansing helped delay and defeat Gretchen Whitmer's proposal to increase landfill disposal fees by 14 times - from $0.36 to $5.00 per ton. It was a team effort, and he was glad Republicans worked together.0EEC6802-50B3-4A89-9375-831CE5280F36_1_105_c-1

Despite being outnumbered in Lansing, he remains unwavering on the issues that matter to you. Your State Rep stood with business owners against forced abortion coverage in employee benefit plans. He vehemently opposed bills requiring mental health professionals to affirm gender dysphoria.  Speaking the truth is challenging due to ongoing censorship; Democrats turned off the microphone after he called abortion "murder" on the House floor.

Rep. Schriver works very hard to educate you about Lansing. He publicly documents his reasons for every vote, so you know exactly why he votes a particular way. Only eight out of 110 House lawmakers do this. He was one of only four lawmakers in the state to receive a 100% score in the New American's Michigan Legislative Scorecard, which evaluates legislators' commitment to following the Constitution.  The Center for Legislative Accountability gave him the Award for Conservative Excellence.  He was named Michigan’s most conservative legislator by the Small Business Association of Michigan.1  However, there is so much work that needs to be done to save Michigan.  And that's why Rep. Schriver is running to continue to serve you in our State Capital.  

Bills He Has Cosponsored or Introduced:

  • Prohibit transgender athletes from taking sports titles from women.2
  • Hold school employees accountable if they fail to keep our kids safe.3
  • Establish a National Guard Apprenticeship program.4
  • Reduce hospital bed shortages in the Oxford community by eliminating red tape.5
  • Prohibit illegal aliens from voting in this state.6
  • Establish a tax credit for donations made to pregnancy resource centers that help mothers in difficult situations.7
  • Prohibit illegal aliens from living anywhere in Michigan.8
  • Prohibit the printing of ballots on demand in our state.9
1. Aiyash Most Liberal In House, Schriver Most Conservative - Small Business Association of Michigan
2. HB4546
3. HB5548
4. HB5703
5. HB5871 
6. HB5470-5498
7. HB4652
 8. HB5774-78
9. HB4871
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