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Josh and Gabby

Voting Record

Representative Schriver has established a reputation as one of Michigan’s most transparent lawmakers by publishing all his vote reasons online, so you know *exactly* why he voted a particular way.  Only eight out of 110 lawmakers in our state legislature do this.  

Our Constitution is not a living document. Schriver believes in following its original intent instead of applying today’s hyper-partisan or extremely biased interpretation in favor of one political party or another.  That’s why he received the Conservative Excellence Award from the Center for Legislative Accountability.  He was also recognized by the New American, a popular publication for freedom-loving Americans, in a published scorecard evaluating the track record of members of our state legislature on key issues.  He received a 100% score for his commitment to following the U.S. Constitution, one of only four lawmakers in the state legislature to receive this designation.

Recognizing the need for change, Representative Schriver conducts thorough due diligence reviews on all bills before voting. Unfortunately, the average state has created hundreds of thousands of laws and regulations. According to researchers, it would take the average person 23,000 hours, or 11.5 years, to read all of that.1

This excessive regulation has fueled his fight for legislative clarity and accessibility. He dedicates himself to making our laws easier for residents to understand and navigate, empowering them to engage in the political process more effectively.

1. "What are the least and most regulated states in America?  - Ascend Magazine Article.

He introduced House Bill HB-5548, which would hold school employees accountable if they fail to protect the safety and well-being of our children. Schriver fought against reducing school safety funding from $345 million to $26.5 million in the 2024-2025 budget. 

In Lansing, he listened to the concerns of many educational leaders in our community who contacted his office. He objected to a budget bill on the House floor to redirect $670 million from Michigan's public school teachers’ retirement fund (MPSERS) to other government programs. This redistribution worsens the underfunding of benefits and could make it more difficult for school teachers to enjoy a fruitful retirement after serving our community for many years.  

He co-sponsored House Bill 5703, which created a groundbreaking apprenticeship program for Michigan Army and Air National Guard service members. This program, free for all participants, helps veterans in our community more easily apply their military training toward earning a registered apprenticeship certificate and a better job.

Finally, he introduced a 38-bill package to help reduce hospital bed shortages in our community. This comprehensive package includes measures allowing local communities instead of Lansing to decide if a hospital is needed.  Did you know that it took half an hour in transportation time for critically injured Oxford students to arrive at a hospital for treatment?  When every minute counts, that is unacceptable! 

Representative Josh Schriver believes all rape is evil.  He unequivocally condemns all forms of rape, including in a marriage, and believes that perpetrators must be held accountable. He is concerned that poorly defined public policy can result in unjust arrests and consequences. The poorly written law he voted against risks criminalizing innocent individuals and exacerbating the trauma of divorce, particularly when children are involved. Josh advocates for transparent, fair legislation that protects victims without encouraging false accusations in contentious divorce cases.

Josh is deeply committed to the safety of students AND ensuring families can protect themselves in their apartments and homes.  This poorly-written law had nothing to do with stopping a school shooting.  Laws like this do not address the root causes of violence. Instead, mandating locks may criminalize responsible owners for minor storage errors.  

Josh believes investing in mental health services, character development programs, and comprehensive school safety training is the most effective way to protect our children. He does not support the 'padlocks on guns' bill because delays in accessing a firearm in an emergency can cost lives. Josh advocates for helping families and providing practical, effective solutions that enhance safety without unfairly targeting lawful firearm owners.  Legislating padlock laws does nothing to address the mental health crisis that we face in Michigan.  It’s a mental health issue, not a gun issue.

The Great Replacement is not a theory. It coincides with a March 2000 United Nations report analyzing the problem of declining and aging populations worldwide, with proposed replacement migration programs as a possible solution.2  Replacement migration refers to the international migration the U.N. believes is needed to offset population decline and fill the need for working-age people. Since 2000, a massive number of migrants have been allowed to flood into Europe, causing an ongoing crisis. In the U.S., the current administration has provided incentives for migrants to come and has all but eliminated border checks and balances.

He supports legal immigration. However, illegal aliens were responsible recently for killing three precious Michiganders:  Ruby Garcia, Crystal Brunn, and Nancy Richmond.  If we don’t get illegal immigration under control in this state, we could have even more crime scenes in our communities.  That’s why it’s essential to crack down on illegal immigration now.  

Contrary to what we hear on the news, we are naive if we believe that all of them are coming here to “seek a better life.”  The vast majority of immigrants flooding our country and state are not adequately screened. Some are gang members and previously identified terrorists.  They’re demanding driver’s licenses, housing vouchers, work permits, food stamps, social security, and other government benefits.  According to one of his colleagues in the Michigan Senate, taxpayers are already on the hook for $1.1 billion in government services for all this.  As a result, the government offsets these costs by underfunding our schools, fire departments, law enforcement agencies, and road improvements.  He feels this must stop.

2 United Nations - Replacement Migration: Is It a Solution?

Only 2 of 110 Reps reported every vote they made (and “why”) last term.

Here are all my votes & reasons, starting in January 2023:

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