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“I have come to know Rep. Schriver over the past 1.5 years. Josh Schriver is a man of unwavering integrity, which is very rare in today's political climate. I appreciate his commitment to transparency by letting every member of the community know exactly how he votes - and his rationale for doing so. He has served our community well so far and I have full confidence he will continue to do so.”

-Washington Township Supervisor Sam Previti

“My name is George Sboukis, resident of Washington Township, and business owner in Detroit.  I had many concerns over legislation that would impact my ability to keep my business operating successfully, and turned to my local State Representative, who at the time had not even been sworn in yet.  Josh Schriver not only returned my call, but actively communicated with me (weekly).  I can’t imagine a better Representative for our district.  He is always available, and has a genuine interest in his constituents.  I’m proud to have Josh Schriver as my Representative.”

-George Sboukis, resident of Washington Township

“I’m glad to endorse Rep. Schriver’s re-election campaign.  I found Josh to be a hard worker and I look forward to continuing to work together.”

-Tom Kunse, Michigan State Representative

“I give my full endorsement to State Representative Josh Schriver.  He is a man of integrity, strong moral character and principles which guide his decisions.  I am confident he will continue to work hard for the people in the 66th District!”

-Rachelle Smit, Michigan State Representative

“Josh Schriver has been one of the few true conservatives who does not compromise his values and beliefs and votes his conscience.  Josh actually reads the bills, knows what he’s voting on and has kept his word.  He is a man of conviction and faith, 2 critical principles which are sorely missing in Lansing.  Please vote for Josh Schriver.”

-Fulton Sheen, Former Michigan State Representative


  • Michigan Trump Republicans
  • Michigan 9th Congressional District Committee
  • Right to Life of Michigan
  • Citizens for Traditional Values
  • Young Americans for Liberty
  • Michigan Conservative Coalition
  • Michigan Firearms Association
  • Republicans for National Renewal

Other Current and Former Elected Officials

  • Congressman Thomas Massie
  • Oakland Township Supervisor Robin Buxar
  • Former State Representative John Reilly (Oxford, Ortonville, Brandon, Addison, and Oakland)
  • Former State Senator Mike MacDonald (Macomb County)
  • Ortonville Village Councilwoman Melanie Nivelt
  • Brandon Township Library Board Member Jay Taylor
  • Brandon Township Library Board Member Susan Hagen
  • Brandon Township Library Board Member Heather Willis
  • State Representative Tom Kunse
  • State Representative Rachelle Smit
  • State Representative Alicia St. Germaine
  • State Representative Angela Rigas
  • State Representative Brad Paquette
  • State Representative Dale Zorn
  • State Representative Greg Markkanen
  • State Representative Jim DeSana
  • State Representative Neil Friske
  • State Representative Matt Maddock
  • State Representative Mike Hoadley
  • State Representative Joe Fox
  • State Representative Luke Meerman
  • State Representative Steve Carra
  • State Representative Bob Bezotte
  • Former State Representative Steve Johnson
  • Former State Representative Fulton Sheen