Endorsed by Right to Life of Michigan, Michigan Trump Republicans, and 15 of his colleagues.
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Today I introduced HB5548 to begin a REPEAL of “governmental immunity.”This REPEAL holds public school employees accountable if they’re proven to be responsible for harm and/or death.Contingencies of accountability must be in place to ensure adherence to school safety policy. pic.twitter.com/RuaI3kzPZ2— Rep. Josh Schriver (@JoshuaSchriver) March 5, 2024
Today I introduced HB5548 to begin a REPEAL of “governmental immunity.”This REPEAL holds public school employees accountable if they’re proven to be responsible for harm and/or death.Contingencies of accountability must be in place to ensure adherence to school safety policy. pic.twitter.com/RuaI3kzPZ2